© 2009 International Institute of
Anthropology, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
© 2009 Lolita Nikolova, PhD
Created: 10-17-09.
Last updated: 10-17-09.
ANONYMITY (10-17-09)
The human culture started as anonymous. Thousands of years the people did not need even their names
to be written on their graves. Among everything, the Renaissance discovered the authorship for
everybody, especially after the invention of book printing. The invention of books printing equals the
discovery of Internet for human history. If we study in details the second half of the 15th century, we
would find many similarities in the mechanism of the changes. Changes are  always culturally determined.
For some reasons, Wikipedia came on this earth re-inventing anonymity. It creates disrespect and
opportunity for frauds and disinformation. The myth of Dubene treasure as unearthed by archaeologists
appeared immediately on the Wikipedia and exactly in those hot days of 2005-2006 when it looked
transparent that the excavations are to cover a story that we still do not know in details. And again
because of the anonymity.
Anonymity recalls the suggestion books that still exist in our offices and everybody can put in whatever
want without any name.
Anonymity recalls the corrupted social filter of some non-for-profit organizations who may eliminate the
most important contributions thanks to "Mr Anonymous".
Anonymity can save lives and can improve reputation, but if it has been practicing as an exception and not
as a pattern.
Anonymity on the whole recalls the Cold War or probably tells us that we are still on the exit but not out of
exit of the Cold War.
The people have names and when there is a written text, there is an author. And this author has name.
Why are they all hidden in Wikipedia? Who sponsor this pseudo-knowledge?

Retrieved on Oct 17, 2009: "The Dabene Treasure (Bulgarian: Дъбенското съкровище) was unearthed in 2004
near the village of Dabene in the municipality of Karlovo, Plovdiv Province, central Bulgaria [
According to the excavation report - the two
big neckalces were discovered in Spring 2005 (L.N.)]
. The excavations were led by the archaeologist Martin Hristov. Other elements of
the treasure were discovered in 2006
[It is still missing 2005 (L.N.)].

The excavations in the area began after two archaeologists from the National Historical Museum met a local woman with an exquisite
golden necklace found by her husband while ploughing with his tractor [
No validation; I know another version personally from Vassil
Nikolov; Martin Hristov published differenet reason and in interview with Anna Papukchieva, journalist from Karlovo Radio clearly stated
that the information was of treasure-hunters (L.N.]
. The couple was unaware of the origins of the jewel and cooperated with the
archaeologists [
See the previous comment].

The whole treasure consists of 15,000 golden elements. The most important of them was a dagger made of gold and platinum with an
unusual edge
[It is unpublished but according to the preliminary information it is from bronze and gilded gold (L.N.)]. The treasure was
dated to 2000 BC.
[No validation (L.N.)]. The scientists [who (L.N.)] suggest that the Karlovo valley where Dabene is located used to be
a major crafts center which exported golden jewelry all over Europe
[No validation (L.N.)]. That conclusion was made because the golden
elements were not discovered in a burial mound and there are no remains of bones or ceramics and therefore the elements were not
burial gifts [See the reports of Martin Hristov, e.g.
Hristov, Martin. (2007). Necropolis and Ritual Structures ....].

The treasure was unearthed in perfect condition and was exhibited in the National Historical Museum without restoration on 9 August
[I believe it was 9 Aug 2006 (L.N.)]."

Sources cited by Wikipedia (10-17-09)
Unique golden dagger unearthed in Bulgaria 09/08/2006 (http://www.setimes.
Gold treasure from Dabene. Ancient Civilization from 3th millennium BC
Treasure of Dabene Takes the World by Storm

Sources which are not cited by Wikipedia:
Dubene (Dabene) gold finds Early Bronze chiefdom in Western Thrace (Last updated Sep 2, 2005).
Dubene (Dabene) Early Bronze  Gold Objects in the world-wide media
Dubene (Dabene) Gold from Karlovo Valley, Bulgaria

Conflicts of information: 1. The myth of two archaeologists. 2. The myth of found treasure comparable with Troy. 3.
According to Wikipedia, the treasure was discovered in 2004, that seems to be more likely than the official information of
archaeologists (2005 season), but it could be just a reproduced way of cognitive filter of read information.
Other critical issues: 1. Absence of validation. 2. Absence of scientific source of information. 3. Absence of reference to
other opinions.

It is written:
Structuralism is an approach to the human sciences that attempts to analyze a specific field (for instance,
mythology) as a complex system of interrelated parts. It began in linguistics with the work of Ferdinand de
Saussure (1857-1913).

Outside linguistics, the principles and methods employed by structuralism were soon adopted by scholars
and literary thinkers, such as Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan, and Claude Lévi-Strauss, and implemented in
their areas of study (literary studies/philosophy, psychoanalysis, anthropology respectively). However, their
expansive interpretations of Saussure's theories, which contained ambiguities to begin with, and their
application of those theories to non-linguistic fields of study such as sociology or anthropology, led to
theoretical difficulties and proclamations of
the end of structuralism in those disciplines.

Comment (Lolita Nikolova):

I wrote it first in Bulgarian in an interview question for Julia Kristeva : Нека да се върнем към
структурализма. Твърди се, че Фердинанд дьо Сосюр (1857–1913) се свързва с пионерство по
отношение на структурализма. Мой преподавател от Софийски университет, проф. Александър Фол,
смяташе, че Карл Маркс е най-големия структуралист. Аз бих твърдяло същото за Чарлс Дарвин и за
много преди тях, особено за тези, които са създали езиците като форма на популярна култура.
Човешката култура се ражда благодарение на човешкото структуралитично мислене. Ритъмът създава
музиката, а ритъмът е повторение на звуци, които са форма на знаци. Затова според мен,
структурализмът е иманентен за човешката култура и мислене. И тук е мястото да спомена за Бахтин,
който ни беше препоръчан като студенти от проф. Фол и благодарение на когото все още нося в себе
си идеята за диалогичността на епохите....

Shortly in English: Thanks of the structural thinking we have human culture and language. The human
culture is structural by nature, so the first and most important method of any science is destructuring,
since the whole nature is also an example of perfect structuring. One would say: In the beginning was
structure. If there is no structure, there would be nothing. I don't think that structural method, as well as
the functional method should be connected with any pionership of any specific author.


It is written: A witch hunt is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic,
mass hysteria and lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft
trials. more at
See also: Witch trial at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_trial_%28disambiguation%29

Comment (Lolita Nikolova)

Searching for evidence is a form of punishment. It could be fare or even fraud. The development of
neurobiology and learning more about our brains help to understand that it is possible people from
distance to influence and to attempt to diminish, harm or generally to trouble other (especially sensitive
and honest) citizen. Such people usually do not leave traces and their punishment is difficult. They might
have caused even death without left evidence.
      Our society needs to look very seriously at such cases. Today it  can be probably documented by an
analysis of the energy field of complainers. We need to help humanity and one of the ways is to
understand that very sad truth that not everybody leaves with humanistic values among us even in the
social spheres considered as a social elite.
     The Witch-punishments past history is extremely important to understand how harmful can be the
contemporary witches in our society - with visible (usually frauding) and invisible