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Zvelebil, Marek. (1995). Indo-European Origins and the Agricultural Transition in Europe. In Whither Archaeology? M. Kuna and N. Venclova (eds.), Festschrift for E. Neustupny.
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Zvelebil, Marek. (1995). At the Interface of Archaeology, Linguistics and Genetics: Indo-European Dispersals and the Agricultural Transition in Europe. Journal of European
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Zvelebil, Marek. (1996). The Agricultural Frontier and the Transition to Farming in the Circum-Baltic Area. In D. Harris (ed.), The Origin and Spread of Pastoralism in Eurasia.
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Zvelebil, Marek. (1996). Farmers Our Ancestors and the Identity of Europe. In S. Jones, C. Gamble and P. Graves (eds.), European Communities: Archaeology and the
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Zvelebil, Marek. (1996). Final Word on ‘Man and Sea in the Mesolithic’: Good News for Women? In A Fisher (ed.), Man and Sea in the Mesolithic. Oxford: Oxbow, 421–422.
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Zvelebil, Marek. (1998). The Agricultural Frontier and the Transition to Farming in the Circum-Baltic Area In M. Zvelebil, R. Dennell, and L. Domanska (eds.), Transition to
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Zvelebil, Marek, Dennell, D.R. & Domanska, L. (1998). Harvesting the Sea, Farming the Forest: The Emergence of Neolithic Societies in the Baltic Region and Adjacent Areas.
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Zvelebil, Marek &
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Zvelebil, Marek & Jordan, P.  (1999). Hunter-Gatherer Ritual Landscapes: Questions of Time, Space and Presentation. In: J. Goldhahn (ed.): Rock Art as Social Representation.
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Zvelebil, Marek. (2000). Fat is a Feminist Issue. On Ideology, diet and health in hunter-gatherer societies. In L. Hurcombe and M. Donald (eds.), Gender and Material Culture.
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Zvelebil, Marek. (2000). The Social Context of the Agricultural Transition in Europe. In Renfrew, C. and Boyle, K. (eds): Archaeogenetics. DNA and the population of prehistoric
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Zvelebil, Marek & Fewster, Kathy (2001). Ethnographic analogy, ethnoarchaeology and prehistoric huntergatherers. In Fewster, K. and Zvelebil, M. (eds): Ethnoarchaeology of
hunter-gatherers. B.A.R. Oxford, 143–157.
Zvelebil, Marek (2001). The agricultural transition and the origins of Neolithic society in Europe. In Documenta Praehistorica XXVIII, 1–29.
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Zvelebil, Marek (2002). Indo-European dispersals and agricultural transition in Europe: culture, genes and language. In Julku, K. (ed) The Roots of Peoples and Languarges of
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Zvelebil, Marek (2003). Enculturation of Mesolithic landscapes. In Larsson, L., Kindgren, H., Knutsson, K., Leoffler, D. and Åkerlund, A. (eds) Mesolithic on the Moved: papers
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Zvelebil, Marek (2003). Demography and dispersal of Early Farming Populations at the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition:Linguistic and Genetic Implications. In Bellwood, P. and
Renfrew, C. (eds) Examining the farming/language dispersal hypothesisMcDonald Institute Monographs, Cambridge, 379–394.
Zvelebil, Marek (2003). People behind the lithics: on social structure and ideology of mesolithic hunter-gatherers in Europe. In Bevan, L. and Moore, J. (eds): Peopling the
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Zvelebil, Marek and Pluciennik, M. (2003). Historical Origins of agriculture. In Squires, V. (ed). Encyclopeadia of Life Support Systems, EOLSS Publishers LTD, Oxford.
Zvelebil, Marek. (2003).  Oleni Ostrov cemetery. In Bogucki, P., Crabtree, P.J. (eds): Ancient Europe 8000 BC–AD 1000: Encyclopaedia of the Barbarian World, Charles Scribner
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Zvelebil, Marek. (2003). The Mesolithic in Eastern Europe, In Bogucki, P., Crabtree, P.J. (eds): Ancient Europe 8000 BC–AD 1000: Encyclopaedia of the Barbarian World, Charles
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Zvelebil, Marek. (2003). Forest farmers, hunters and fishers of later prehistoric Europe: the Pitted Ware culture. In Bogucki, P., Crabtree, P.J. (eds): Ancient Europe 8000 BC–AD
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Zvelebil, Marek. (2004). Social structure and Ideology of the Late Mesolithic Communities in north Temperate Europe. In G.A. Clark and M. Gonzales-Morales (eds), The
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Archaeology, Anthropology and Sociology of Enculturation and Health
Eurasian prehistory
Bibliography by Lolita Nikolova
© 2007-2009  Lolita Nikolova, PhD
Last updated: 10-9-11
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