March 3: National day of Bulgaria
Since 1990, the third of March is considered as the
Bulgarian National Day (
.pdf file). Bulgaria met March 3 in
2007 facing a terrifying corruption
leaded by the Government
and state employees. The weak opposition shows that
social changes would come with new people in politics who
really care about the Bulgarian society.  

Interview with Professor Georgi Bakalov (3 March, 2007,
Standart Newspaper).
Yulian Popov about March 3 (.pdf file).
The future and the hope of Bulgaria and of
the Bulgarians all over the world.
(on the photo: High schools students from
Veliko Turnovo (
The Secondary School for
Foreign Languages "Prof. Dr. Assen
Zlatarov", Veliko Turnovo)
How was celebrated the National Day of Bulgaria on the third March 2007?
Volen Siderov won for the second time a huge victory occupying the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. In 2006 more than 5
thousands followed their leader with truthful slogans ("Maphia", "Resignationation"). Even newspaper like
Standart could not hide the truth.

Дори при чудовищната цензура в българските медии, може веднага да се разпознае за втори път от отвъд
океана голяма победа за Сидеров и “Атака” на 3 март 2007 (
Monitor) в България. “Атака” казват истината в
лозунгите и това ги прави симпатични. България е по традиция демократична държава и този ужасяващ
терор на корупцията, който съществува днес, означава, че има истерични у нас, но това не са гневните от
“Атака”, а “тихите” от властта, които ежесекундно унищожават с помощта на властта демокрацията у нас
чрез корупция и фалшифициране на ценности ни.

Трети март 2007 показа, че няма смисъл този ден да е национален празник, тъй като би трябвало да
обединява, а не да поляризира обществото. Едва ли има съмнение, че 24 май е по подходящ ден.
On 3 march 2007:

A series of absurds in our country:
On the National Day Volen Siderov
(the so-called nationalist)
for the second time occupies  
the social space of Sofia,
the capital of Bulgaria

Nikolaj Barekov about the political
crisis in Bulgaria (3-5-07)
On the third of
March 1878
Bulgaria won its
Today it is a
National day of
Bulgaria, but in
fact the officials
celebrate the
Freedom, while
Volen Siderov
traditionally wins
the social space
in Sofia, the
Capital of
Bulgaria. A
political absurd
that nobody can
explain.  Many
Bulgarians (and
me) believe that
the National day of
Bulgaria should
be 24 May when
really the nation
can be united and
to celebrate the
Bulgarian culture.